Civil Service Commission, Katsina State examination date, center and time including that of aptitude test is out. All candidates who participated in the 2024/2025 recruitment exercise and were selected during the shortlisting process for recruitment of candidates will be subjected to sit for an exam/aptitude test for the hiring of candidates who will fill in all the open fields in the state ministries throughout the 34 local government areas in Katsina State have been announced.
All candidates can check the Katsina State CSC examination date, center and time and prepare themselves towards achieving their aim of applying for the open jobs advertised by the state government.
It is crucial to note that these announcements are for all candidates who applied for recently advertised jobs and whose names were shortlisted from the PDF list for the recruitment of state public servants.
All concerned individuals must maintain a high level of self-control during and throughout the Katsina State Civil Service Commission examination activities.
Civil Service Commission, Katsina State Exam Announcements
The government of Katsina State has made it official to the people of Katsina State and Nigerians that they are fully committed to recruiting qualified candidates throughout the 34 local government areas in the state.
So, all shortlisted candidates who don’t want to miss out on this civil service job opportunity MUST prepare themselves, and showcase their skills and professionalism in any of the jobs they apply for.
The public should also note that being shortlisted does not mean that you will be recruited at the end of the Katsina State Civil Service Commission recruitment exercise, as all shortlisted must pass the screening assessment, interviews and selection examination to qualify them for the advertised jobs.
Those who will be reporting to the Katsina State CSC examination center must come along with all their documents, and writing materials, including the slip they printed out during their online application process.
All candidates must report for the recruitment examination on the date released by the commission, as they should note that lateness to the examination center might get them disqualified from the 2024/2025 recruitment intake.
How To Check The Exam/Aptitude Test Date Released By The Katsina State CSC
To find out the date when the Katsina State Civil Service Commission examination will begin, you will be required to visit official portal and navigate to the recruitment bottom and follow the outlined homepage instructions to enable you to check the recently released examination date, time and center.
All relevant information has been released by the government of Katsina State to guide all shortlisted candidates in the ongoing public servant recruitment exercise.
Successful candidates will be invited for an interview, so we advise you to always check the e-mail you submitted during their online application just in case of any invitation message that may be sent to you by the Katsina State Civil Service Commission (CSC).
Latest Update On The Katsina State Civil Service Examination Date for 2024/2025
We wish to announce to you that the Katsina State Civil Service Commission (CSC) has not yet announced the date on when its qualifying examination will begin for the recruitment of successful who will be recruited into the state ministry’s vacant positions across the 34 local government areas.
The candidates or applicants are advised to wait for further announcements from the State Civil Service Commission regarding when the recruitment dates will be announced to the public.
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