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NAFDAC Salary Structure 2023/2024 Working Allowances and Salary For Corpers

NAFDAC Salary Structure 2023/2024 Working Allowances and Salary For Corpers

NAFDAC Salary Structure 2023: Are you working at another institution or do you intend to work for the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) if recruited at the end of the year recruitment exercise?

Do you know what entry-level employees receive monthly? Have you also asked yourself how much NAFDAC pays its corpers every month as a stipend to encourage them during their one year of service?

The NAFDAC salary structure varies depending on factors such as your professional qualifications, experience, and the specific position you are hired for.

NAFDAC is a federal government agency, and it offers competitive salaries to its employees. However, we shall provide you with the necessary information about the salary structure for each staff member here on this page.

NAFDAC Salary Structure and Allowances for 2023/2024

At the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), employees are entitled to various allowances and benefits.

These allowances are initiated by the agency to provide financial support and enhance the overall well-being of employees, such as Housing Allowance, Transport Allowance, Medical Allowance, Leave Allowance, Education Allowance, Hazard Allowance, Meal Subsidy and Pension Schemes.

These allowances and other benefits aim to attract talented individuals to NAFDAC while ensuring their well-being and job satisfaction.

NAFDAC Salary For Corpers 2023/2024

If you are a corps member considering serving at NAFDAC, there is a monthly stipend provided to NYSC corps members.

The NAFDAC strives to provide corps members with a reasonable monthly stipend to encourage and cover their expenses and support them during their one year of service.

A corps member serving at the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control monthly stipend varies, and they receive a monthly stipend of ten thousand (10,000) naira – fifteen thousand (15,000) naira on a monthly basis and this monthly stipend may be subject to change.

NAFDAC recognizes the importance of supporting and encouraging its corps members during their one-year national service.

NAFDAC Employees’ Salary Structure

For accurate and up-to-date information, we recommend you to always visit this page regularly.

You can also apply for the NAFDAC recruitment exercise by visiting their official website at if you would like to join the agency.

If you are considering working at NAFDAC or wondering about the salary, allowances, bonuses and stipend offered to employees and NYSC corps members, it is recommended that you always visit this page for more updates.

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